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Neurofeedback—it refreshes the parts of your brain that talking therapies cannot reach.

Since the late 19th Century, talking therapy has been shown to be an effective way of helping people to process their mental health problems. But sometimes a person is so fragile or their distress is so intense that just thinking about a problem is more than they can bear. They simply freeze and their brain is unable to think, let alone work out its own solution to a difficult dilemma. Therapists have developed ways of trying to stabilize distressed clients, so they feel safe enough to confront the difficulties that are causing their low mood or anxiety, but depending on how distressed they are this stabilization phase can take weeks or even months to achieve. Neurofeedback trains your brain to change itself to improve your mood, your behavior, your thought processes, and much more; without you ever having to confront difficult or distressing issues that may have marred your life in the past. By means of a simple detector placed against your scalp, it gathers information about what is going on in your brain, similar to the way an aerial picks up radio broadcasts from the air, and by feeding this information back to you through a rudimentary video game, it enables you to train your own brain to behave in more wholesome ways to make your life healthier, happier, and more comfortable to live. Neurofeedback helps to improve alertness, attention, emotional regulation, behavior, cognitive function, and mental flexibility. It helps your brain to regulate itself better, and in doing so, changes your brain as well as change your mind, freeing it from depression, anxiety, or racing negative thoughts that can make life so intolerable. Neurofeedback standard protocols have been rated at “Level V – Efficacious and Specific” in the treatment of ADHD 2 under the guidelines for rating evidence developed by the American Psychological Association. 3 Neurofeedback does not require you to think about your problems, it does not require you to confront them or to discuss them, so you don’t get upset. It is a non-invasive process whereby a passive detector placed on your head picks up signals from the brain activity beneath your scalp, and feeds them back to you by means of a simplistic video game. This enables you to train your brain to behave differently… including training it not to be depressed or anxious. 1 Not to be taken literally. The phrase is a corruption of the Heineken beer advert from the 1970-80s 2 What Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? 3

Warch how it works