Thoughts of clients, expressed at different points during therapy

Most Recent Testimonials

Most Recent Anon

The future feels exciting and full of promise and I'm able to cope with anxiety much more effectively than before, when it inevitably does rear its head from time to time (especially during a house move!). I think the most helpful aspect of the treatment was facing the trauma. It allowed me to recognise triggers and I still occasionally use the technique of thinking about my "happy place" to break the unhelpful thought chains that can lead me to becoming panicked and overwhelmed. The treatment also helped me to see how hard on myself I often was. That in many cases I suffered twice because I would castigate myself for feeling anxious or upset about things. It has certainly helped me to be much kinder to myself which in turn has helped me deal better with the relationships in my life. I see now my thoughts and feelings are valid and the assertiveness techniques you taught me have helped me to take more control both in my personal and professional life. You also helped me to change the way I view pain. Previously I saw it as a physical manifestation of my weakness and a constant reminder of my [traumatic event]. As a result it often ruled my life. Now I am able to be more rational about it, accepting of it. I'm not afraid of it anymore and therefore, it has reduced significantly. I honestly cannot say what I think could be improved. It's no exaggeration to say that the therapy has changed my life for the better. I am extremely grateful and I know my family is too.

Past Testimonials

Thanks so much for your help and support [...] I felt that I was able to talk to you about anything, you were very understanding, didn't judge, and could see through my negative behaviors to more positive solutions. I'm working hard on drawing myself a new map, and on getting to like myself. Looking after myself in general, replacing negative feelings with positive actions...
Transactional Analysis
I found the time I spent with you to be extremely helpful and I spoke openly and without be judged. Being able to cry and talk made such a difference and I felt at complete ease in your company.
22391004 l scaled
Thank you again for everything you have done for me, and your kindness and support. You truly have helped me to the nth degree and I am extremely grateful...
daoudi aissa absT1BNRDAI unsplash scaled
Many thanks for the sessions, I got a huge amount of benefit from them. I feel it really helped me get things into perspective.
jerry zhang Y8lCoTRgHPE unsplash scaled
It's nice to finally find a counsellor who I think I can work with... Because it's taken a few.
sydney rae geM5lzDj4Iw unsplash
It feels a bit weird... I measure how I feel each day on a scale between 0 & 10... now I'm somewhere about an 8, maybe more, about 81⁄2... 8 weeks ago I was somewhere between 1 & 2.
basil james iC4BsZQaREg unsplash scaled
I'm feeling very positive about the future; I'm feeling a bit more positive about the past and I feel these sessions have helped a huge amount... I was very sceptical before I first came.
sincerely media EtyBBUByPSQ unsplash scaled
I can now just look at those things and acknowledge them for what they are... they do affect me now and I'm getting comfortable with the idea that it's not an immutable fact about myself that I do get anxious or guilty about things, it's getting better, slowly but surely.
joshua earle 87JyMb9ZfU unsplash scaled e1613577109617
I got a helluva lot out of the sessions, thank you for your help.
danielle macinnes IuLgi9PWETU unsplash scaled

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